The human body is an unbelievably complex and interconnected system of energy. Our organs, tissues, and cells all emit vibrations that create a unique resonance within us.

In the United States, Dr. Vallée says that there has always been, on the part of the government, especially the Pentagon, a sense that civilian sightings are unreliable. The reason, he said, is that civilians don’t have the technology to really document what happens...

Constitutionally governments have always been given the right to keep secrets

For decades there has been a move, deliberate or not, to diminish the importance of UFOs and create a public belief that UFOs are part of some form of elaborate hoax.

„ … the term contactee is in many ways outdated. The ee ending suggests a passive role in English, as in employee or payee. The er or or endings suggest a more active role as in worker, soldier, mentor.

The Matrix Control System can only trip us via the elements within us that correspond to its low vibratory nature.

Quantum computers are assisting researchers in scouting the universe in search of life outside of our planet - and although it's far from certain they'll find actual aliens, the outcomes of the experiment could be almost as exciting.

Representatives from CUN (Centro ufologico nazionale) and ICER (International Coalition For Extraterrestrial Research) gave a presentation to officials from the Republic of San Marino, formally requesting as a U.N. member state, San Marino to present the Office of the U.N. Secretary-General with a proposal for the creation of a permanent structure tasked with the organization of a periodic World Conference on UAP.

We don’t have to chase ‘disclosure’....we are immersed in it now! And we’re almost there. For those who are restless and impatient, look a little deeper, for you will realise there is a beehive buzzing behind the scenes. Lue Elizondo has alluded to this on many occasions, and we must have faith.

- we are no longer waiting for disclosure - we are coming together to create direct connections with beings from other realms and worlds -

Rebecca Hardcastle Wright

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