Elena Danaan discusses recent updates she has received concerning the disclosure of the Solar Warden space program, the existence of extraterrestrial life, and the release of advanced technologies such as medbeds. She says that the pace and extent of disclosure is currently affected by Deep State plans


Adam Curry discusses the growing body of evidence that suggests that consciousness can affect matter.

Russian military had dozens of interactions with UAPs chasing them and even firing at them.

Credible evidence and testimony indicates that federal government UAP records exist. Chris Lehto goes through the actual law itself and highlights its critical important parts.

Throughout history, non-human intelligences have been manifesting the Keys of the Universe while patiently waiting for humanity to decode this sacred knowledge

 Do you think the phenomenon is more pervasive in the oceans or in the atmosphere or in space, do you have any inclination towards what might be more common? / We have anecdotes and even observations

 Three important authors gather for this round table to share their works, their legacy for humanity and some of the intel they will be disclosing

The connection between UFOs and nuclear weapons has been documented as far back as the very first atomic blast, the Trinity explosion in 1945 in New Mexico. Since then, hundreds of former military personnel have come forward with reports

Congress held its first hearing on UFOs in more than 50 years. Let's watch together some of the best moments

Akashic Records - The Infinite Knowledge of the Universe - Cosmic Consciousness & The Etheric Plane. Is there an information field embedded within the fabric of the universe that contains the memory of everything?

An interview with Jay Weidner, a renowned filmmaker, author and scholar on an ongoing worldwide quest to find clues to mankind’s spiritual destiny via ancient societies and artifacts.

A new book called Skinwalkers at the Pentagon tells the inside story of a secret government UFO program from the men who ran it.

- we are no longer waiting for disclosure - we are coming together to create direct connections with beings from other realms and worlds -

Rebecca Hardcastle Wright

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